
The Sisters of Saint Paul of Chartres Healthcare Ministry of the Philippine Province conducted its 28th Annual Assembly at Perpetual Succuor Hospital Cebu City from March 8 to 10, 2018 under the leadership of our beloved Sr. Francesca A. San Diego, SPC, Assistant Provincial for the Healthcare Ministry. The goal of this event is to strengthen the commitment of all collaborators in the healing ministry through a deep understanding of the Spirituality of the Apostle Saint Paul and its application in hospital leadership and service. Participants were Hospital Administrators and their middle Managers, both Sisters and lay Collaborators.

According to Reverend Father Ramon Luza Bautista, SJ, one of the speakers of the assembly, what sets us apart from other healthcare institutions is our spirituality in union with the Holy Mother Church. Hospitals and institutions run by religious congregations are not business ventures and definitely do not put premium on money or profit. Further, he emphasized, “We must never forget the reason why we are here in the first place. We are here because we are mandated by Christ to perpetuate His mission, our mission to serve others, to love others.” For him, “Technology is a necessary force to augment the healthcare profession’s pursuit for innovation and excellence. “We should not anchor our profession on technology alone, for technology without spirituality is a body without a soul.”

As we embark on the mission entrusted to us by the Lord, we as leaders and collaborators in the vineyard of the Lord are invited to rediscover the gift of spirituality, first received by Saint Paul the Apostle then passed on through the Church and which we now receive. In this era of connectedness through modern forms of communication and in the face of the realities of society, let us examine again our attitude to serve in the light of interculturality. We pray that the Pauline Spirituality helps us to promote inclusiveness and respect for the dignity of the human person and of entire creation in our daily lives. Saint Paul teaches us to respect the diversity of our clients and even of our colleagues in the profession. May we appreciate the beauty of our differences and in the spirit of collaboration, may we carry out our mission to bring Jesus to those entrusted to our care.

In the end, Fr. Bautista, S.J. challenged us to become agents of evangelization through a life of witnessing and sharing in the healing ministry of Jesus Himself. Let us bring Jesus to others in the spirit of sincerity and loving kindness though our Christcentred, competent and compassionate service to those entrusted to our care.

Caritas Christi urget nos!

By: Ace Sango