"I do not consider what I do in NKTI as work...it really is a privilege to be allowed to experience the variety of "shapes, sizes, colors, and texture" of the problems the Cancer patients go through in their journey of illness...awesome is the opportunity to see how the Lord is working on their personal salvation stories as I lead them to a greater realization of God's love for them in the midst of their difficult situation...and we, both counselee and counselor, are led to an empowered appreciation and gratitude of our gifted being. This mission, simple/insignificant as it may seem to some, leaves me with gratitude and joy in helping my suffering brothers and sisters become closer to our loving Lord."
"For the past 12 years, every Clinical Pastoral Education Group or Quarter, I would refer to as a JOURNEY. While the module is unchanged and the activities are the same, every participant is a unique person with whom I have to personally journey with. That is through Individual Conferences, Processing and intensified prayer and reflection to enable him/her to discover, experience and relish his person as unique, precious and valuable. Journeying with each one is a very unique experience for me. I also slowly go deeper into myself, further deepening my intimacy with the Lord and challenge myself to make or improve my life as I continue to follow the Lord as His authentic witness."